In the News / Events
In the News / Events
Factors Unique to Rochester St. Martin Boxing Club
All staff in the operation of the program are volunteers receiving no financial compensation for their service. All volunteers associated with the Club must be certified by the USA Boxing Association (the sanctioning body for amateur boxing formed as a subsidiary of the United States Olympic Committee) and are required to successfully complete a course on the rules of USA Boxing and pass an examination certifying they are qualified.
Rochester St. Martin Boxing Club also has a relationship with the National Silver Gloves Association, having been granted a state membership in the National Silver Gloves Association for youth ages 8-15 in 1983, at which time it also organized the Region 1 Silver Gloves, which encompasses New York, New Jersey and New England. The Club has participated in various Silver Gloves Tournaments since that time affecting the participation of thousands of youth. In appreciation of the Club’s leadership, in 2008, Rochester St. Martin Boxing Club was voted into the National Silver Gloves Hall of Fame. The Club has obtained a number of academic scholarships for its boxers through the National Silver Gloves.
Rochester St. Martin Boxing Club annually, since 1981, has promoted the Rochester Puerto Rican Festival by obtaining sanctions from USA Boxing Association permitting boxing events at the Festival.
In emphasizing service to financially disadvantaged and at-risk youth, Rochester St. Martin Boxing Club provides transportation to and from several participants’ homes in the City of Rochester to and from practices at its facility 4 days per week. On weekends, the Club provides transportation to and from various boxing shows held in the Rochester area and locations throughout the country, depending on the type of boxing show the youths are participants in. These boxing shows are either put on by the Club or other amateur boxing entities located mainly throughout the northeastern US and Canada and occasionally, upon qualifying for national tournaments, in other parts of the US. All transportation to and from boxing shows is provided, without cost to the participants, by the Club. All transportation, provided by the Club in Rochester or to and from other venues, is by a van owned by the Club. A portion of the costs for lodging and food incurred by boxers while attending any boxing show, which the Club’s youth are participants, are paid for by the participating youth. If the boxer has no funds available for such purpose, then the Club will pay for all costs. The Club is required to obtain liability and medical insurance for the boxers while participating in Club activities and such costs are paid for by the Club or are provided for the benefit of the participating boxer by the USA Boxing Association. All costs for medals/trophies are the responsibility of the Club, except if they are obtained by another person or entity.
Rochester St. Martin Boxing Club does not charge the youth participants any coaching and/or gym fees in order to train at its facility.
The Club has a physician in attendance at every boxing show it sponsors in order to control the match in case a boxer appears to be injured with the authority to stop a match in order to ensure the boxer's health and well-being.
Many boxers participating in the Club’s boxing shows sponsored by USA Boxing Association and National Silver Gloves have competed in many national championships. However, St. Martin Boxing Club it never loses sight of its main goal of assisting and leading youth towards a successful life.
Unlike any other youth boxing club in the US or Canada, Rochester St. Martin Boxing Club provides all financial contributors to the program and other interested people with a monthly newsletter. These newsletters contain detailed information pertaining to the various events its boxers participate, a general description of the event and a report on all participating boxers’ performances.